Monday, November 20, 2006


In the past two weeks, I have received bad news about one member of family and therefore my Independent Study has been affected and my concentration on my work has suffered. I was not able to work as my mind was not focused and as a result anything that I would have produced would not have been up to my normal standard and much that I had read would not have properly registered in my brain. However, I have to be able to prioritise certain aspects of my life. I have to set out specific goals when it comes to my Independent Study. I will have to decide what needs to be done and do one bit at a time. For example, in relation with my reading and researching which is the stage I am in at the moment, I will read a certain article or piece of text, summarise it and make a full reference and then blog it, so that I have all my information to hand when I come to write up the final piece. Still at this stage, I am worried that my Independent Study will be affected and that I will not achieve the grade I am capable of achieving because of other factors that are playing on my mind. I am hoping that this will change and I can gain a more positive attitude towards my work and towards my mum’s health.

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