Monday, December 04, 2006

Seeing Clive………..

Today, I saw Clive and expanding on the summarising that I am making of the research I am reading, I am going to create an extra column and make notes of the types of methodologies that the authors/researchers are using when making their reports. I will then wish to include this as a section under my Literature Review and possibly when I come to carry out my methodology, I will be able to see what ideas were used and relate them to my Independent Study. This will therefore enable me to move into my methodology section smoothly, allowing my report to flow and for an obvious link to be seen between the two parts.

1 comment:

claire plane said...

Hi jo,
You asked me to add my blog details to your account so here the link is- feel free to post any comments on mine.
Kepp working hard Jo it will all be worth it in the end!
Love Claire x